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Feeling inspired? Why not send in some of your own? Not only will the best ones appear here and in our next issue, but the submission adjudged to be the best by our scurrilous and somewhat capricious editorial team will win a 20" x 16" canvas of that there very image from Ocean Visions.
Surf And Turf Safaris
Underwater photographer Vince Bennett, prize-winning turtle Underwater photographer Vince Bennett, moray eel
Underwater photographer Vince Bennett, detail of lagoon ray eye Underwater photographer Vince Bennett, cleaner shrimp esconced in bubble anemone Ocean Leisure
Underwater photographer Vince Bennett, lionfish Underwater photographer Vince Bennett, stonefish
Photos from Gary Linger »

Photos from Anne Marie Walters »

Photos from Adrienne Kerley »

Photos from Brian Gillen »

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